English version


由于您使用雅本速汇移动应用程序(App)上提供的服务,雅本速汇作为数据处理责任方,可能收集和处理您的个人数据。本《隐私条款》与您所使用的雅本速汇息息相关,希望您仔细阅读。 您使用或继续使用我们的服务,即意味着同意本《隐私条款》条款。





雅本速汇App的部分服务由极光SDK(下称“极光”)提供,在提供该等服务的过程中,极光需要收集您的相关个人信息,包括设备信息[ 设备信息包括:设备标识符(IMEI、IDFA、Android ID、MAC、OAID等相关信息)、应用信息(应用崩溃信息、通知开关状态、软件列表等相关信息)、设备参数及系统信息(设备类型、设备型号、操作系统及硬件相关信息)]、网络信息[ 网络信息包括:IP地址,WiFi信息,基站信息等相关信息。 ]、地理位置信息。为向您提供更好的服务、改善技术和提升用户体验,您理解并同意,我们有权在必要范围内向极光提供您的个人信息,且极光亦可以基于前述目的自行收集和使用您的个人信息,并在保护您个人信息和隐私权以及符合适用法律法规的前提下,将收集的信息和数据经去标识化或匿名化处理后用于其他服务和用途。当我们要将个人信息用于本政策未载明的其它用途时,会事先通知您并征求您的同意。当我们要将基于特定目的收集而来的信息用于其他目的时,也会事先通知您并征求您的同意。


第1条 定义


适用的隐私权法律法规:欧盟通用数据保护条例(The General Data Protection Regulation;“GDPR”)及荷兰施行的相关法律法规。








雅本速汇所属公司:Yaband Telecom B.V.


地址: Laan Van Vredenoord 33, 2289DA Rijswijk, The Netherlands

第2条 本隐私保护条款的适用范围

2.1 本隐私保护条款适用于雅本速汇用户的单独利用及通过雅本速汇进行的个人数据的处理中,适用的隐私法律法规所管辖的范围。该处理的管理者为雅本速汇。

2.2 雅本速汇可能包含第三方信息(例如:超级链接、标签等)。雅本速汇对此类第三方信息没有进行管理,对于第三者是否遵守适用的隐私权法律法规,雅本速汇不予负责。请雅本速汇的用户仔细阅读您要浏览的第三方网站的隐私保护条款。

第3条 收集的个人数据

3.1 雅本速汇可从雅本速汇用户获得下列个人数据:







3.2 除适用的隐私权法律法规有规定以外,雅本速汇不会通过雅本速汇收集健康数据等敏感性个人数据。

3.3 雅本速汇在用户实施下列行为时,收集个人数据。

a. 注册或登录雅本速汇时;

b. 开通雅本速汇钱包时;

c. 使用雅本速汇服务时;

3.4 雅本速汇按照本隐私保护条款记载,仅在遵守适用的隐私权法律法规的前提下处理个人数据。

第4条 数据处理的目的和法律依据

4.1 雅本速汇仅为下列记载的目的收集、处理个人数据。

a. 合同的履行、或应对用户合同签订前的委托:用户通过雅本速汇下订单时,雅本速汇可能会为履行合同而处理该用户的个人数据。雅本速汇不会超出履行合同所必需的限度处理个人数据。

b. 沟通:雅本速汇可能将用户的个人数据用于下列目的:

(i) 关于雅本速汇的服务与用户取得联系;

(ii) 通知用户的账号及/或利用雅本速汇时的重要信息;

(iii) 处理投诉。


c. 营销:为了营销通过邮件与用户联系时,除与以前您曾订购过的商品类似的商品相关内容以外,雅本速汇通常会事先取得用户的同意。用户有权随时停止接收雅本速汇发送的邮件。雅本速汇为获取正当利益即与用户取得联系、提供类似商品和服务所需,或是基于用户事先同意而进行相关的个人数据处理。

d. 客户服务:用户利用客户服务时,雅本速汇为提供客户服务,可能使用该用户的个人数据。为合同的履行及/或雅本速汇为获得正当利益,即为完成通常业务所需而进行相关的个人数据处理。

4.2 雅本速汇为收集个人数据时的处理目的以外的目的,对个人数据进行进一步处理时,雅本速汇进行处理前,将提供该其他目的相关的信息及所有相关的追加信息。

第5条 个人数据移交第三方


第6条 安全

6.1 雅本速汇为保护用户的个人数据,采取适当的组织性、技术性安全措施,防止个人数据的非法使用、丢失或更改。此外,访问个人数据的权限仅赋予 有必要访问该数据的员工、代理人、受委托者及其他第三方。这些人员根据雇用合同或(数据处理)合同负有保密义务。

6.2 雅本速汇内部制定了信息安全准则,包括发生个人数据侵害时如何处理的数据侵害保护政策。根据适用的隐私权法律法规需要时,本公司将通知相关监督部门及数据主体。

第7条 保存期限

7.1 雅本速汇不会对用户的个人数据进行超出数据收集目的所需限度的保存。

7.2 用户可随时要求雅本速汇删除本人的个人数据。此外,对照该数据的收集或处理目的,不再需要个人数据时,雅本速汇将删除个人数据。

第8条 缓存(COOKIES)

8.1 雅本速汇使用缓存(Cookie),以使雅本速汇正常运行。

8.2 缓存是通过浏览器保存在用户电脑上的信息。雅本速汇根据不同目的使用不同种类的缓存。

a. 功能性缓存(Functional cookies):是雅本速汇正常运行所必需的缓存,包括注册账号所需的缓存;

b. 分析缓存(Analytical cookies):是为了获取用户如何使用雅本速汇(的一部分)的相关信息的缓存。雅本速汇可通过这些改善雅本速汇 终端,使其内容尽量符合用户的关注方向和重要事项。雅本速汇通过缓存获取的数据仅用于对雅本速汇利用情况的分析。

8.3 雅本速汇将第三方的缓存仅用于提高雅本速汇的品质及有效性的目的。例如,使用以关注到隐私权的形式设置的Adobe Analytics。Adobe Analytics是为雅本速汇处理IP地址的工具。

8.4 几乎所有的浏览器都默认设置缓存开启。如浏览器设置缓存关闭,在发送缓存时可能会有显示。但是,如关闭缓存,雅本速汇和其他网站上的功能和服务可能无法正常运行。

第9条 用户的权利

9.1 个人数据的处理是在用户同意的基础上进行时,用户有权随时撤销关于本人个人数据的同意事项。

9.2 用户有权要求访问本人的个人数据。由此,用户可接收雅本速汇拥有的本人的个人数据副本。

9.3 用户有权要求修改雅本速汇拥有的本人的个人数据。由此,可修改雅本速汇拥有的、关于用户的任何不完整或不正确的数据。

9.4 用户有权要求删除本人的个人数据。由此,可删除雅本速汇无正当理由仍然继续处理的个人数据。

9.5 用户有权对雅本速汇为获取正当利益而进行的本人的个人数据处理提出异议。雅本速汇以直接营销为目的进行个人数据处理时,雅本速汇经常接受用户提出的异议。为除此以外的目的而进行个人数据处理时,雅本速汇将

(i) 优先考虑用户的利益、权利及自由;

(ii) 除因法律性措施的开始、执行或主张举证等不得已的正当理由以外,中止个人数据的处理。

9.6 用户有权要求限制本人的个人数据的处理。

9.7 用户有权要求向本人或第三方移交本人的个人数据。雅本速汇将向用户或用户指定的第三方以结构化的、通常使用的、可通过机器读取的格式提供用户的个人数据。此外请注意,该权利仅适用于最初取得用户同意、或雅本速汇为履行与用户的合同而使用的、经自动化处理的信息。

9.8 行使上述权利不需要费用。雅本速汇将立即、或不论任何情况下在收到用户的申请后一个月内,提供对用户要求的处理情况的相关信息。根据要求内容的复杂程度和数量等,所需时间有时可能延长到两个月。期限延长时,将于收到用户要求后一个月以内通知该情况。

9.9 用户的要求明显缺乏依据或过度时,特别是涉嫌重复要求时,雅本速汇将要求用户支付合理的费用,或用户的要求。

9.10 除上述权利以外,用户还有权随时向监督部门(特别是用户的地址、工作单位或认为违反GDPR的欧盟国家的监督部门)投诉。不过,作为雅本速汇希望用户欲与监督部门接触之前,能够事先与我们联系,给我们处理用户投诉的机会。

第10条 联系方式


联系人: 客户服务部
地址: Laan van Vredenoord 33,2289 DA Rijswijk, The Netherlands
电子邮箱: info@yabandpay.com

第11条 通用条款

11.1 雅本速汇有权不经事先通知,随时删除用户的账号。删除账号时,雅本速汇对用户不承担任何责任。

11.2 雅本速汇保留定期修改本隐私保护条款的权利。适用的条款,请用户自行负责定期进行确认。本隐私保护条款最后修改时间为2020年8月。

11.3 本隐私保护条款的条款与法律法规相抵触时,应在法律法规容许的范围内,将该条款置换成反映其意图、且主要内容相同的条款。此种情况下,其他条款保持不变,继续适用。


User Privacy Protection Policy

If you use the services provided by Yaband Remit on the platform of Mobile App, Yaband Remit, as the data processing party, may collect and handle your personal data. This Privacy Protection Policy is closed related with the Yaband Remit services. Please read it carefully. By using or continuing using our services, you are assumed to have agreed this Privacy Protection Policy.

Yaband Remit does our best to protect the privacy of yours and of the visitors on App. All the behaviours of processing personal data within the frame of provided services comply with the local personal data protection regulations, especially the regulations from Freedom of Information Act (revised edition) on 06-Jan-1978 and GDPR (EU Code 2016/679).

Yaband Remit is responsible for processing personal data under above mentioned regulations, which respectively stipulate the duty for observing personal data protection policy.

To ensure that these regulations are executed in practice, Yaband Remit has appointed a data protection officer. Yaband Remit has also undertaken proper internal procedures to improve the awareness of its employees for protecting personal data as well as ensure internal personnels to comply with these regulations.

About Jiguang SDK Information Collection

Some services of Yaband Remit App are provided by Jiguang SDK (hereinafter referred to as "Jiguang"). In the process of providing such services, Jiguang needs to collect your relevant personal information, including device information [Device information includes: device identifier ( IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MAC, OAID and other related information), application information (application crash information, notification switch status, software list and other related information), device parameters and system information (device type, device model, operating system and hardware related information) Information)], network information [Network information includes: IP address, WiFi information, base station information and other related information. ], geographic location information. In order to provide you with better services, improve technology and enhance user experience, you understand and agree that we have the right to provide Jiguang with your personal information within the necessary scope, and Jiguang may also collect and use your personal information for the aforementioned purposes. , And on the premise of protecting your personal information and privacy and complying with applicable laws and regulations, the collected information and data will be used for other services and purposes after de-identification or anonymization. When we want to use personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy, we will notify you in advance and ask for your consent. When we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will also notify you in advance and ask for your consent.

Jiguang SDK is provided by Shenzhen Hexunhuagu Information Technology Co., Ltd. In order for you to better understand the types and uses of data collected by Jiguang, and how your personal information is protected, you can log in to https://www.jiguang.cn/ license/privacy understand the "Jiguang Privacy Policy".

Article 1 Definitions

The definitions in this privacy protection policy are listed below:

Applied privacy policies: The General Data Protection Regulation;“GDPR” and related Dutch laws.

Agreement: Yaband Remit User Service Agreement that is signed between you and Yaband Remit.

Personal data: All information, which is defined in Article 3 of this policy, regarding the natural persons that Yaband Remit handles, recognises or that is recognised by Yaband Remit.

Processing: Single or a series of executions that are conducted towards personal data or a series of personal data, whether through automatic processing or not. (such executions include disclosure, circulation and other provisions, permutation and combination, limitation deletion, abolishing through the collection, record, edition, structured approaching, storage, modification, recovery, referencing, application and transfer of data)

Administrator: the natural person, legal person, governmental organisations that unilaterally or mutually decide data processing with others.

Yaband Remit: Mobile App of Yaband Remit.

Yaband Remit Website: www.Yabandpay.com

Yaband Remit Users: the users using relevant services of Yaband Remit, more frequently referred as “you” in this agreement.

The company to which Yaband Remit belongs: YaBand Telecom B.V.

Contact information: info@Yabandpay.com

Address: Laan van Vredenoord 33,2289 DA Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Article 2 Scope of Application

2.1 This privacy protection policy applies to the administrative scope of the privacy protection regulations that are applied during the process when users independently utilise the services of Yaband Remit and when Yaband Remit handles the personal data during its service. The administrator hereby is Yaband Remit.

2.2 Yaband Remit may contain third party information (e.g. hyperlink, tags etc.) Yaband Remit has no control over such third party information. Yaband Remit is not responsible for whether the third party complies with the applied privacy protection regulations. Yaband Remit users are advised to carefully read the privacy protection policies of the third party website that they are viewing.

Article 3 Collection of Personal Data

3.1 Yaband Remit may collect the below personal data from Yaband Remit users:

General information: such as your name, birthday, gender, residential address, address proof, phone number, email, etc.

Identity information: such as your passport, ID card, visa, fingerprint information and any other information required for KYC review

Beneficiary information: name, address, ID number, Phone number, bank account number, etc. If you provide us with the personal information of the beneficiary of the remitter, you confirm that you have obtained the prior consent of the beneficiary so that we can collect its relevant information and view or change its information

Location and device information: Information about the location of your device and some other device specifics, including your hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifier, mobile network information, and information about the device’s interaction with our services. This information will be used to anti-fraud and Anti-money laundering

Mobile Camera - App provides photo upload functio, need to call camera function

Mobile Storage - App requires storage space, installation requirement

3.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in privacy regulations, Yaband Remit will not collect sensitive personal data such as passport information or health data through Yaband Remit.

3.3 Yaband Remit collects data when users conduct below actions.

a. register or log in Yaband Remit

b. create Yaband Remit walllet

c. use Yaband Remite Service

3.4 Yaband Remit only processes personal data under the prerequisite of having applied privacy protection regulations that are stipulated in this policy.

Article 4 Purpose and Legal Base of Data Processing

4.1 Yaband Remit only collects, processes personal data for the below purposes.

a. the fulfilment of agreement, or fulfil the commitment before users sign the agreement: Yaband Remit may process user’s personal data in order to fulfil the agreement when users place an order through Yaband Remit. Yaband Remit will not process personal data beyond what is required to fulfil the agreement.

b. communication: Yaband Remit may use the personal data for the below purposes:

(i) communicate to users about Yaband Remit products and services;

(ii) inform the users of the account or important information when using Yaband Remit;

(iii) deal with complaints.

When users register an account on Yaband Remit, Yaband Remit will store the personal data so that the users will not have to input their personal data each time, only for the purpose of fulfilling the agreement or obtaining proper interests, namely processing personal data for the purpose of completing regular transactions.

c. marketing: when making contact with users via email for marketing purpose, Yaband Remit will normally ask for acknowledgement from the users except when delivering the relevant content about the products that are similar to the products users have purchased before. Users have the right to choose to stop receiving Yaband Remit emails at any time. Such purpose is the relevant personal data processing that is undertaken in order to obtain proper interests, namely get in touch with users, provide similar products and services, or obtain prior approval from users.

d. customer service: When users use customer service, Yaband Remit may collect the personal data to provide services, only for the purpose of fulfilling the agreement or obtaining proper interests, namely processing personal data for the purpose of completing regular transactions.

4.2 Purposes other than purposes listed above. Before further processing such data beyond the above listed purposes, Yaband Remit will provide relevant information regarding the other purposes and relevant additional information.

Article 5 Data Transfer to the Third Party

The personal data collected from users will be shared within Yaband Remit internally.

Article 6 Security

6.1 In order to protect user’s personal data, Yaband Remit undertakes proper organisational, technical security measures in prevention of the illegal usage, loss and modification of personal data. Besides, the access to visiting personal data is only granted to the employees, agents, trustees or other third parties for whom it is absolutely necessary to visit this data. These people are subject to confidentiality policy stipulated in their employment contract or data processing contract.

6.2 Yaband Remit has made internal information security guidelines, including data violation protection policies about how to handle the situations when personal data is violated. When privacy protection regulations require, Yaband Remit will notify it to relevant supervision organisations and data subjects.

Article 7 Duration of Storage

7.1 Yaband Remit will not store the user’s personal data beyond the extent required to fulfil the purpose of collecting such data.

7.2 Users can ask Yaband Remit to delete personal data at any time. Besides, Yaband Remit will delete the personal data when the data is no longer needed, taken into consideration the purpose of collecting or processing such data.

Article 8 Cookies

8.1 Yaband Remit uses Cookie in order to function normally.

8.2 Cookies are the information stored on user’s computer through browsers. Yaband Remit uses different types of cookies according to different purposes.

a. Functional cookies are the cookies necessary for Yaband Remit to function normally, including cookies needed in the registration of account.

b. Analytical cookies are the cookies of obtaining relevant information about how users use Yaband Remit. Yaband Remit can take advantage of such information to improve the Yaband Remit terminals and match its contents with the areas and events that users focus. The data obtained by Yaband Remit from the cookies is only used for analysing the utilisation of Yaband Remit website.

8.3 Yaband Remit only uses the cookies of the third party for the purpose of improving the quality and effectiveness of Yaband Remit services. For example, using Adobe Analytics。Adobe Analytics that is set in a form focused on privacy is the tool that Yaband Remit uses to handle the IP addresses.

8.4 Almost all browsers set the cookies on by default. If the cookies on the browsers are off, notification will be displayed when sending cookies. But in case the cookies are off, the functions and services on Yaband Remit and other websites may not function normally.

Article 9 User’s Rights

9.1 When the processing of personal data is based on approval from the users, the users have the right to cancel his/her approval of data provision at any time.

9.2 Users have the right to visit his/her personal data. As a result, users can receive the copy of his/her personal data that is owned by Yaband Remit.

9.3 Users have the right to revise his/her personal data owned by Yaband Remit. As a result, they can revise any incomplete or incorrect data that belongs to themselves.

9.4 Users have the right to delete his/her personal data. As a result, they can delete his/her personal data that is still processed by Yaband Remit when Yaband Remit has no proper reasons for doing so.

9.5 Users have the right to appeal against any personal data of his/her own that is obtained by Yaband Remit for the purpose of obtaining legitimate interest. When Yaband Remit processes personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, Yaband Remit often receives appeals from the users. When processing data for other purposes, Yaband Remit will:

(i) consider user’s interests, rights and freedom as our priority;

(ii) terminate the data processing, unless for inevitable justified reasons such as the launch, execution or evidence provision in a legal procedure.

9.6 Users have the right to restrict the process of own personal data.

9.7 Users have the right to demand own data to be transferred to himself/herself or third party. Yaband Remit will provide the users or the third party appointed by the users with the personal data in the format that is structured, commonly-used, readable by the machine. Please note that this right only applies to the automatic processed information that has originally obtained approval from users, or that is used by Yaband Remit for fulfilling the agreement with the users.

9.8 No cost is charged for exercising above rights. Yaband Remit is obliged, immediately or in all cases within one month after receiving the requests from the users, to provide relevant information regarding the progress of handling user’s requests. Based on the complexity and quantity of the request, such handling period can be extended to two months. When such extension is required, users will be notified within one month after Yaband Remit receives the user’s request.

9.9 When the users over-demand, or their requests lack supporting evidence, especially when users are suspected of repeated requests, Yaband Remit will require users to pay a reasonable fee.

9.10 Besides the above rights, users also have the right to report the violation against their rights to the supervision departments (especially for data such as the user’s address or workplace whose unlawful disclosure is considered by EU to be a violation of GDPR) at any time. However, Yaband Remit expects that users can get in touch with us first and give us the chance to handle your appeal before planning to speak directly with the supervision departments.

Article 10 Contact information

When you have a question for us, plan to lodge a complaint or wish to exercise your rights stipulated in Article 9 of this agreement, please contact the below department:

Contact person: Customer Service Department
Address: Laan van Vredenoord 33,2289 DA Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Email: info@Yabandpay.com

Article 11 General Terms

11.1 Yaband Remit has the right to delete user’s account at any time without prior notice. When deleting the account, Yaband Remit is in no means liable for the users.

11.2 Yaband Remit reserves the right to revise this privacy protection policy on a regular basis. Users are obliged to regularly confirm the applied terms. This privacy policy was most recently updated in August, 2020.

11.3 When certain terms in this privacy policy contradict with the laws and regulations, such terms shall, within the scope of laws and regulations, be replaced to another terms that can reflect the same purpose or have the same major contents. In this case, the other terms stay unchanged and continue to be effective.
